Reimagining visits for patients
and healthcare professionals in clinical trials
project timeline
6 months
2 Designers, 13 Engineers, 1 Researcher, 2 PMs
Figma, Jira, Confluence, Gitlab
Clario is a healthcare endpoint solution provider and leader in clinical trial management/ telehealth systems with a history of 50 years and a footprint in over 100+ countries.

Clario was going through a rebranding which involved revamp of the existing workflows within the trial management cycle and an overhaul of the design system.
My role
I led the design for the telehealth workflow and the clinician experience and shipped a unified visit workflow for patients and sites.

I was also responsible for defining an error-handling framework, documented multiple component usage patterns and suggested changes to the styleguide to maintain accessibility and HIPAA compliance.
This work is under NDA
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to show design details and artifacts for this project as it is protected under NDA. If you want to learn more about this project or my experience at Clario, Please reach out to me.
Unified Workflow
A cohesive unified experience for patients and clinicians.
existing workflow
A complicated and disjointed experience
The trial management workflow was a complicated and disjointed experience with site personnel and patients having to jump between multiple solutions to perform a visit. As the platform was not integrated with other solutions meant that users had to deal with high cognitive load and a steep learning curve.

Some of the questions we wanted to answer from the research:

- What tasks does the user perform using our solution?
- What are their prioritized tasks and their frequency?
- What does the product lack? What do the users need?
- Do they prefer virtual visits over in-person visits? Why?
- What is the user’s idea of a successful product?
- What is the Organization's idea of a successful product?
- What does the users' ideal/dream workflow look like?
- What is absolutely necessary for the user to successfully complete their activities?
Shuffling b/w platforms to complete a visit.
Site personnel and patients struggled to piece together a coherent workflow as they were shuffled between multiple systems to complete a single visit, causing confusion and inefficiency.
Lack of cohesiveness between solutions.
The platforms used for visits were not well integrated and were forcing users to manually bridge the gap between systems. This involved managing multiple logins, and using different interfaces which made for an inconsistent experience.
Clinicians were forgetting their logins.
Due to the workflow requiring multiple points of access, clinicians frequently forgot their login details and usually wrote them somwhere, leading to access and privacy issues while also further delaying the treatment and data collection processes.
Difficutly of mastering multiple systems.
New users faced a daunting and time-consuming task of mastering multiple complex systems, which became a significant barrier to effective engagement with the trial management process.
Evaluation and Audit
The uni-directional workflow created friction and complexity.
In order to invite a participant to a visit, clinicians need to log into two other solutions (Scheduling, invitation). This and the uni-directional nature of the flow created moments of high cognitive load, and was not efficient especially when this is just one stage of the workflow and clinicians expect to have a number of visits to complete within a day.

Pre-visit workflow uncovering the ideal path
This disjointed experience continued during the visits and clinicians were expected to either keep the solutions open beforehand to access the required artifacts or login into multiple solutions at the time of the visit which resulted in longer wait times for the patients.

Patient and clinician's interaction in the visit workflow for attending the visit and performing tasks.
design direction
How might we reduce cognitive load and streamline the workflow for both clinicians and patients?
We had multiple ideation workshops and narrowed the scope to a specific set of ideas, and evaluated them in a week-long sprint with the stakeholders and development to quickly converge on the requirements for a solution.

insight themes to references what we are solving for.
high-level flows focusing on general workflow.
detailed interactions at different stages of the visit.
Which solution should I log into?
Which tasks should I perform?
We understood from the research that users were facing a lot of issues and didn't want to deal with multiple solutions as remembering which solutions to openup and use creating a major cognitive load on clinicians.

This guided our decision of reducing the touchpoints and fricton by having a unified environment where clinicans can access the information and the actions quickly without having the hassle of juggling between multiple solutions.
Unified workflow
Access the information you need directly from the call.
Clinicians can directly find information relevant to the participant and the visit without needing to sift through a pool of participant and visit data.
Solutions sidebar which lets you access reports, next visits, tasks, consenting needs without having to go back.
Solutions sidebar which lets you access reports, next visits, tasks, consenting needs without having to go back.
Unified workflow
Stay informed about the status
of the assessments.
The assessments tab has a complete set of assessments which are needed to be performed in a visit and are categorized by their status of completion. Based on discovery data, Clinicians on an average initiates 1 - 2 assessments to the participants.
Unified workflow
Switch back and forth easily
Before the redesign, Clinicans had to share the eCOA tab and transfer control to the patients which made it hard for them to stay complaint.

The redesigned flow solves that problem where Clinican can initiate the assessment in the patient's portal directly from the call interface without having to open up and share control. This enabled clinicians to maintain complaince while being available for assistance and guidance.

Solutions sidebar which lets you access reports, next visits, tasks, consenting needs without having to go back.
highlights of the work flow
An end-to-end experience for clinicians and patients for a seamless telehealth visit.
Assessments tab to access during the visit
Patient visit initiation
Scheduling and managing patients for the clinical trial.
Clinician dashboard
Case Study#2
Designing for the roadbumps
Web-based solutions are great, but they don't always work smoothly. How do we keep users calm and show them what to do next when tech hiccups happen?
Error type
Screen level error: Unknown
Displayed when the application encounters an unspecified server error. This could result from various issues such as server downtime or misconfiguration. The trigger for this component is any failed server response and users cant take actionable steps with a "Take me home" button to return to the main dashboard and a "Try again" button to re-attempt the connection.
Error type
Screen level error: Network
This is error is displayed when there is an issue with user's internet connectivity. The user can troubleshoot network settings, and  make another connection attempt after taking corrective action.
error type
List and loading errors
introduced skeleton loader to show that the elements are loading, utilized circular loader to load the list elements. In the case of failure, A blanket error is displayed with a clear CTA for users to refresh or take actions.
error type
Inline infobars
Inline Infobars offer less intrusive, context-specific feedback to the users and are use used when a connectivity issue interrupts an ongoing action that requires internet access. With a subtle prompt, they remind the user to check their connection without forcing them to leave their current task.
error type
Toast messages
Toast Errors appear briefly in response to specific actions and tasks, such as a failure to start a virtual visit. These messages are concise and informs the user of the issue and provide an immediate action to resolve the situation without additional navigation.
Results and Impact
After making changes from the reviews, We tested the design where we focused on evaluating the usability and accessibility of the platform, making sure that the solution accommodates people with disabilities and met all necessary compliance requirements.

The learnings from the testing informed minor changes which led to the final solution before handing it off to the development teams for implementation.

During the testing phase, The redesign was well received by the stakeholders and the users and was launched in 2023.